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What if firefighters could see  through smoke and flames--and walls? What if they were alerted to dangerous chemicals and radiation without having to check instruments? What if the commander could see the locaction and status of every firefighter  instantly? What if all the systems, sensors, and technology that support first responders could be seamlessly integrated?


Welcome to world of Heads-up Awareness for Lifesaving Operations (HALO), where our flexible operating platform connects sensors, beacons, and computing power to augmented reality displays for first responders.

Images 3, 4, and 5 are from Denef, S., Oppermann, R., & Keyson, D. 2011 Dec 31. Designing for Social Configurations: Pattern Languages to Inform the Design of Ubiquitous Computing. International Journal of Design [Online] 5:3


HALO from Secure Industries is a unique hardware and software solution to integrating tools for  sensing, navigation, and safety in hazardous environments.

HALO's heads-up display can receive feeds from multiple sensors, alerting firefighteres immediately to hazardous environments. A plug-and-play platform means users can configure HALO for their own environment  and equipment by installing apps.




When firefighters need to get out quickly, HALO can help. Either using HALO Drops, which are "breadcrumb"-like beacons, or navigation based on building scematics, HALO can show the way out.




HALO units form a mesh network to locate firefighters in three dimensions, even inside buildings.


When every second counts, HALO location information gives  on-scene incident commanders the real-time location of every firefighter on the scene. It also allows firefighters "virtually" see each other through smoke, fire, and walls.


HALO can watch over firefighters by monitoring their air supply, respiration, temperature, or pulse rate. If something isn't right, HALO will alert the command staff with the information and the location of the firefighter, saving time and saving lives.


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